A blog for the reader with an open mind...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Freedom of Being You

Be imaginative in how you spend your free time. If well-spent, it can pay so many different kinds of dividends.

Enjoy your time away from the office, back in from the field, or when your shift has ended. You can finally give yourself a little "you-time."

You might even leave your cell-pone at home as you walk out the door.

You know you want to...to try something daring. Try this freeing version of aqua-therapy. And how to go about doing this?

I suggest that you join a gym where you can swim in the nude. An outdoor pool would be best, especially if heated.

Even if the said gym is a bathhouse (and it often is) there's nothing like swimming sans-swim suit, especially towards the beginning of a new year, or, as the setting sun surrenders to the light of the moon.

Ignore the fact that this gym is a bathhouse (Unless you don't want to ignore it! Don't ignore anything you don't want to.)

Furthermore, I advocate for swimming by the light of the moon. Enjoy its many phases.

Although, the link I provide goes to a group of bathhouses that has no outdoor pool, there are those that do.

Don't let anything come between you and those gently rolling H2O molecules. In the case of a jacuzzi, they will be more agitated.

There is a reason the popularity of bathhouses dates back to antiquity. Discover it. Immerse yourself. Also, join Aquamen of Texas. What better way to be yourself!

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